Here is my latest example layout for Get Picky called "You Put the Bounce in My Day"...

For the large circle in the background, I used a dinner plate as a template on the cardstock and drew around it lightly with a pencil. Then after I had finished scrapping my layout I added buttons along the centre of the pencil line. It was fun and it really went well with my theme of bouncing around!
Here's a couple of closie shots...
I've used black paint pen to outline my patterned paper strips. Now I really love the "pop" factor of this Purple Pumpkin Spotty Dotty button. Red and white is one of my fave combinations... for these kind of buttons and lots of other stuff too! The lovely button stands out heaps, even though it's on similar coloured patterned paper. It almost looks as if it's bouncing into the photo... cool!
I've also used some PP tickets on there too. Just two actually, but when cut in half and kinda tucked away... voila! They then appear to be four! :)
I've used lace on this layout (shock!) which is unusual for me, but I thought they'd serve as nice clouds and it looked pretty cool in a bow with some ribbon bow buddies. :D
Thanks for looking! Don't forget about this month's sketch challenge! I hope you are able to play along with us!
thanks for sharing Chantel, the lace clouds and the PP buttons are just as gorgeous as the gem in the photo :)
Oh thank you so much, Marie! What a lovely thing to say! :D
This is so super duper gorgeous Chantal (as always) I did a layout several years ago with buttons in a circle like this, you now what they say "everything old is new again". You have done an amazing job. I love it.
Cheers from your No.1 fan Di xoxo
Thanks so much Di! That is sooo sweet! :D
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